Holistic Health and Nutrition
Here at Human Soundcheck, a truly holistic approach is taken when it comes to your health and nutritional goals, whether it is weight loss, a health challenge, a necessary lifestyle change, or ideal nutrition to get an edge on healthy living and optimal wellness.
Keeping your health in check is so important. But what if it seems like your body is backfiring on you? Do health challenges occur that seem like they just appeared out of thin air and are now running your life?
When this happens, it is time to make some changes to correct the situation before it worsens even more.
This is taking responsibility for your health instead of giving your power away to the medical model, which focuses on treating symptoms and prescribing medicines to suppress them.
Of course, we will deal with your symptoms! But only doing that is doing your body and overall health a disservice. You deserve to understand what is going on in the body behind the scenes that is causing the issue in the first place.
Don’t you want to know the cause of your issues? Don’t you want to eliminate the cause of your symptoms?
Jamie has vast knowledge of how the systems, organs, and glands function in the body. That, together with her training in Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique, which focuses on the 6 essential lifestyle areas that are KEY to a holistic view of an individual, sets her apart from most other holistic health therapists.
A Note About Supplements
We cannot gain 100% of all the nutrients we need from only the foods we eat. Sorry, but that is just the case at this stage in our evolution. Supplements and herbal recommendations are always part of your health protocol to promote function and healing.
Take a look at our online shop for all of your supplement needs from Human Soundcheck. You can pick up your items at the office, or have them shipped directly to you!
Pre Order Your Spring Detox “Survival Kit” Protocol before April 15th and save $30.00!

Blood Testing
Blood testing is a form of communication. Jamie considers a variety of factors and looks a little closer at some things to gain a clear picture of why you may have the issues you are experiencing.
She uses somewhat tighter reference ranges than the typical medical model, and many concerns can be handled in this holistic view with diet, lifestyle, and supplementation.
Jamie will always refer you to your primary health care provider when concerns arise in your blood labs that require immediate medical attention.
Being a Holistic Health Therapist, Jamie does not work through insurance companies. All appointments and lab testing are self-paid.
You Can Enjoy Life and Get Well. Get Nutritional Counseling For:
- Health complaints that seemingly have come from nowhere
- Weight loss
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Feeling terrible and other medical approaches have failed
- Need of a lifestyle change
- Want a nutritional edge for optimal performance
- Ideal diet and nutrition for your lifestyle
- Gastrointestinal issues that do not go away
- Digestive complaints
- Recurring infections
- Brain fog and mental clarity
- Fatigue
- Anything that you would like to feel better about!
There is a term we use in holistic circles. “Healthspan”. By taking care of yourself through diet, lifestyle choices, beliefs about your health (that you can recover and heal), and maintaining a positive emotional state, you can improve your life and health.
Would you rather have a long health span or a lifespan that is prolonged with suffering? Surgeries, pain, several prescriptions competing with each other in your body, etc? Prevention and good lifestyle choices go far for your prolonged health. Jamie is here to help you on your path to a long health span.
Reach out for a free consultation call today.