B.E.S.T. is a gentle healing system created by Dr. M.T. Morter, Jr. to address stress and promote balance in the body including the nervous, muscular, circulatory, digestive, and hormonal systems. When a system moves out of balance it creates a pattern of physical, emotional, and chemical symptoms, including illness and disease.
The body is a complete system, and all of the organs, glands, and systems within communicate. When communication errors happen, the system does whatever it can to remain intact.
Think of your body like your smartphone. If you open your phone right now, you probably have too many apps open and running in the background, which results in a stressful overuse of the system. Over time, the operating and hardware systems become overtaxed, and the system shuts down, resulting in catastrophic failure. Your phone locks up or completely dies.
Taxed systems.
Referencing the smartphone analogy, your body systems work in a very similar fashion. When they are stressed, burdened, or unbalanced they cause other systems to work harder to make up for their deficiency, resulting in exhaustion and imbalance. System exhaustion manifests as muscle and joint pain, fatigue, digestive issues, hormonal imbalance, and emotional stress, to name a few.
When this happens, you are given a name for our condition. Names like Hypertension, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Stress, Metabolic Syndrome, Diabetes, Headaches, Obesity, and IBS come up in conversation.
Often, when this is going on, it’s happening to people who tend to overuse stimulants like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, over-the-counter medication and antibiotics and often also food to excess… It’s a downward spiral because there is a toxic burden slowly burning its way into the development of something serious if it is not caught and turned around.
B.E.S.T. works to maximize the healing potential of your body’s natural systemic intelligence. When your systems are in balance, vibrant energy returns, and your body can begin the process of healing itself and returning to ideal, natural health.
By using a system of Autonomic Response Testing or Muscle Testing, your body will give me clues as to which system is out of balance. I can identify which stress you have right now that is the most important to your overall health. And, often, we uncover that it might not be at all what you think it is! That’s because we are tapping into this information at the subconscious level.
Subconscious emotional interference.
What is often overlooked in standard medical treatment is what you hold on to at the subconscious level, especially with emotions. A lot of the “interference” we talk about in B.E.S.T. is subconscious emotional interference that we are not aware of.
This can be deep-rooted because it was either part of your programming at a very young age or the remnants of a traumatic event or situation. Either way, the emotional reaction (or protection) served its purpose in the past during that time, but it is not relevant for your life now and is working under the radar, keeping you stuck, feeling bad, or unable to relieve stress and anxiety.
The need for the emotions to be brought to light is paramount because if they are affecting you negatively (keeping you in a fight or flight response), this is bad for your health and well-being.
The way B.E.S.T. works with emotions is unlike any other therapy you are familiar with. I, as your practitioner, don’t need to know the details or the story behind what comes up for you. Your body, at the subconscious level, will prioritize what it needs to deal with.
Think of it as your higher self, standing next to me as I am going through the series of muscle testing to get the information we need to work with, leading me to the correct answers.
Your higher self knows and has stored the information of everything that has ever happened to you.
Your body has reacted to everything that has ever happened to you. The body makes and utilizes hormones, and the strongest one in a stress response is adrenaline.
Dr. Morter often said that adrenaline is like the glue that bonds an emotion to a traumatic experience. That response happens at the autonomic level, you do not control that. However, the effects may remain for years.
This is where this technique is so powerful. It’s not talk therapy (although you can share what you are comfortable with), and it is not a spiritual energy body-work technique either.
It goes so far beyond all of that.
Whole-body approach.
Straight to getting that communication updated between your subconscious and the conscious mind so that you can be the creator of your life.
Dr. Morter, in all of his foresight, knew that health and wellbeing was not just about the body and the bones. He saw the human as a perfect system, and the innate wisdom that built the body is the same innate wisdom that can heal it. He not only developed a powerful healing technique but made sure that there were fail-safes to keep your health in check. We call these the Six Essentials for a healthy life.
When you keep your Six Essentials (what you eat, drink, how you rest, exercise, breathe, and think) top-of-mind, you are being a good steward of your health.
Even though emotions play a critical role in this technique, so does your body physiology. If a health matter needs to be addressed, it will be. If you have nutritional needs, they will also be discussed. If you are in pain, we’ll investigate the cause. A truly holistic approach to health.
There is much more to B.E.S.T. but this will certainly get you started with understanding this healing modality that changes lives every day.
If you are starting on your path to healing, I encourage you to read my teacher, Dr. Sue Morter’s book: The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life.
Her dad created B.E.S.T., and she has been teaching his work for decades, along with her brothers, Dr. Ted and Dr Tom.
Another book to further you on your healing journey is Paula Swope’s book Thought Snob: The Modern Spiritual Playbook for a Better Life.