3 Strategies to stop stress & anxiety in their tracks
3 tip for anxiety
We all know the feeling when we’ve become overwhelmed and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight for the feeling to go away. We then become distracted and unable to focus, putting us into an even further downward spiral. Here are three tried-and-true methods that have proven to be helpful during those moments of high anxiety. I hope you try these tips for handling anxiety. If you are interested in sound therapy (and more) for relief from stress and anxiety, reach out to Jamie D. at the Human Soundcheck today.
Method 1. Mindfulness activity:
(allow 10-15 min.)
Step outside and begin to walk. Turn your attention to what you hear around you- animals, aircraft, people. Then turn your attention to what you smell. Really take in the smells from the ground to the trees. Next , look around. Take in all the colors you notice and the objects that catch your eye. Continue with touch- reach out and touch something, and truly examine it’s texture. Allow yourself to be “in the moment”, using your senses for as long as possible.
Method 2. Feed your body oxygen!
(allow 5 min.)
Go to a location that is quiet or peaceful to you. Put your hand on your abdomen, above your belly button.
With your eyes closed, inhale deeply and slowly- filling with air so as to feel your hand being pushed outward. Take in as much air as you can, then exhale slowly, through your nose and mouth simultaneously.
Repeat, but this time a little slower and with more attention to the inhalation and the air filling the lungs so as to press your hand outwards. Exhale the same as before.
Repeat a few more times.
Be deliberate and go slowly.
Method 3. Vocalize
(allow 3-5 min.)
Go to a location where you are able to make noise (like your car).Close your eyes, and prepare your mouth as if you are about to yawn, but keep your lips closed. Inhale deeply, and while keeping your lips together, hum as if you are saying “aah”, at whatever pitch is comfortable.
After a few moments, open your mouth and let it out- actually saying AHH. (it will sound like mmmaAAHHHHhh)
Repeat many times, with more energy each time.
I hope this brings peace to you in times of need friends!